A Letter from 2013 AIA President Mickey Jacob, FAIA
Repositioning: Follow up and next steps
We couldn’t be happier about your participation and commitment during Grassroots. Weappreciate all of the comments (and there were quite a few) about what we can do togetherto make the Repositioning initiative a success. It is inspiring to know we share the samepassion for building a better world. Having a revitalized, relevant, and robust AIA to leadand support us in our important work is critical.During the Forum discussion at Grassroots, we called for a shift in perspective about whatwe can do individually and collectively to respond to the recommendations of LaPlacaCohen and Pentagram. In the breakout discussions that followed, we underscored the areasneeding the most attention and confirmed that we can work together to sustain the momentum.As was promised, attached are additional details about three of the primary ideas that canjumpstart and expand our collective conversation about making the AIA a 21st Centuryorganization. We know we’re a little late getting them out, but we’ve taken the time to getfeedback on them from a variety of leaders, Component executives, and members, and webelieve that has resulted in a solid set of initiatives to help you along. Included are:
- A guide to conducting local conversations with members about the Repositioning recommendations and AIA priorities at all levels
- Two versions of the 10 recommendations (Poster-sized or Letter-sized)
- Repositioning Innovation Fund details as well as the application information
- An invitation for members to serve as Repositioning Ambassadors
We will continue to reach out and discuss these Repositioning ideas with AIA Components as part of our monthly teleconference and will invite members to engage with us in the April 26 issue of AIArchitect. In the meantime, we invite you to talk about our Grassroots Repositioning conversations with your colleagues, share these ideas, and encourage them to visit the Repositioning landing page: www.aia.org/repositioning.If you have any questions at any time, please reach out to us or our national staff lead Kathy Compton, kathycompton@aia.org.Individually and together, we’re taking positive steps that will change how we perceive our role and contributions in interactions with clients, our communities, and ourselves. We’re all Ambassadors committing our energies to building a better world and AIA, now and for the future. We do so with a shared sense of trust and common purpose.Stay the course.Sincerely,Mickey Jacob, FAIA2013 AIA PresidentRobert Ivy, FAIAAIA Chief Executive OfficerTina Litteral, Hon. AIA, CAE2013 CACE President Click Here A PDF Version of the Letter