Allied Membership
You don’t have to be an Architect to be a member of AIA Fort Worth.
Allied Members: Individuals not otherwise eligible for membership and who meet either of the following requirements shall be eligible for Allied membership in the chapter:
a) Those with established professional reputations who are registered to practice their professions where such requirements exist, or persons who are employed outside of architectural practice but are involved in positions allied to the field of architecture.
Individual Allied members may include engineers, planners, landscape architects, sculptors, muralists, artists, and others in government, education, journalism, manufacturing, industry and/or other fields allied to architecture.
b) Those who are employed by firms in the construction industry engaged in research, design, development, testing, manufacture, distribution, or training for building and construction products or systems.
Privileges: Allied Members may serve on chapter committees in any capacity and may vote on committees. Allied members cannot hold chapter office, print or permit to be printed or in any way use the name, title, initials, emblem, seal, symbol or insignia of any
chapter or of the Institute.
Allied Members, other than noted above, receive all benefits regular AIA & Associate Members receive: weekly e-Bulletin, member price at meetings, invitations to chapter only events, opportunities specific for AIAFW Allied Members and more. This is not a company membership, but rather an individual membership, and only the Allied Member will receive chapter benefits.
$375 for a 12 month membership
You can purchase an allied membership via eventbrite through the link below: