Take Action Now on the next COVID-19 Relief Bill

While Congress continues its active discussions on the next relief measure, they need to hear from you. AIA has crafted a draft letter for you to use to weigh in with your federal legislators on this important legislation to urge them to act soon.

The bill that is forthcoming is intended to replenish federal funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Loan (EIDL) program, both of which require additional funds.

Although it is not scheduled for this bill, there also is a recognized need to provide relief for the not-for-profit community. We understand it will be addressed in the next bill. AIA has drafted language that can be included in your letter to Congress, if warranted.

Please act now to advocate for your firm’s needs. In the meantime, AIA will continue to aggressively work on your behalf on Capitol Hill.  

Please stay well. We are a community; and we are here for you if you need anything.


Timothy Hawk, FAIA

Chair, AIA Government Advocacy Committee


AIA praises Senate for advancing desperately needed COVID-19 relief