Announcing.....We would like to congratulate the following:First Place:  Dennehy Architects for the Pavilion on the Prairie

Project Team:                       
Dennis Chiessa, AIA
Paul Dennehy, AIA
Don Gatzke, AIA

    Second Place:  Bennett Benner Partners Architects for the Prairie Pavilion

Project Team:
Stuart Everett, AIA
Michael Bennett, AIA
Brandon Burns, AIA
Gannon Gries, AIA
Rob Lee

 Thank you to our jury, Don Young from FOTHNA, Willis Winters, FAIA, Joe McCall, FAIA, and Mark Wellen, FAIA.DSCN0055ORIENTATION SUMMARYSHELTER USES


1.  FOTHNA - Which plant and animal best symbolize (or are most  prevalent at) the Tandy Hills Natural Area?Tall grasses are the dominant feature of a prairie. Bluestem and Indian grass are the top two.Wildflowers such as White Rosinweed and Engelmann's Sage are endemic species at Tandy Hills. Trout Lily are extremely special and rare and iconic.Cooper’s Hawk and Cottontail Rabbits are the two most iconic animal species. I have pics of all these I can send if you like.2.  CoFW - If possible to arrange, what would be the cost to extend the water line from the drinking fountain area to the circular path for planting irrigation?  Would a separate tap be required (to be paid by the FOTHNA) or would the CoFW allow for monitored watering of a clearly defined area at CoFW expense?Currently there is a spigot located near the street.  CoFW is unlikely to fund a new line and FOTHNA would rather put funds toward the pavilion.3.  At Tandy Hills there is a public art piece along a fence bordering the playground. Beyond the fence at the site of the proposed Pavillion there are two benches with similar artwork on the back of the benches. Are these benches part of the art piece and/or protected under public art? If these benches are proposed to be moved would that be an issue with public art?dsc_1243dsc_1272       Yes, they are included in the FWPA program.  If there was a recommendation to move them it would have to go to the Art Commission for recommendation, possibly also the Parks Board.4.  Where on the website can I find information about special features of the site? The best place to look on the site is Prairie Notes section:  Where is the site location?In or around the sidewalk circle, see SITE PLAN PDFsite-image6.  The THNA 2008 Master Plan PDF describes a very different idea than the competition packet which includes a visitor center, a parking lot, offices, and a new footpath. Currently, we are expecting a design for a pavilion located on the circular walkway in the urban park. We do not know if the design should include some of these details mentioned in the 2008 master plan.The 2008 Master Plan is a living document. Some of the amenities described are VERY long term and subject to change. Some details were not endorsed by FOTHNA, including location of parking lot. For example, if and when a parking lot is added, it will probably be placed west of the pavilion site to not interfere with the main path and trail. The current need for a pavilion is part of the evolution of that doc. Any future amenities that occur will be designed around the pavilion which, for now, is a stand-alone project.Also, PARD staff has informed that the sidewalk circle was originally planned to be a pavilion site.